Sleep Apnea Dentistry

Our Surrey dental office is pleased to offer oral sleep appliances to help patients with sleep apnea and snoring.  We craft and use among the smallest and lightest devices available.

Contact our office where we would be happy to discuss this with you as sleep apnea and snoring can seriously impact your restfulness, health and quality of life.  

What causes sleep apnea and snoring?

Both snoring and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) have a common origin: the obstruction of the upper airway caused by the relaxation of muscles controlling the soft palate and tongue.  In snorers without OSA, the airway is narrowed, but not closed, though there are flow limitations.

Chantel Yang DDS

Oral Sleep Appliances

Our office is able to offer oral sleep appliances as an option for treating snoring and OSA.   Modern devices are small and discreet, lightweight and strong, so as to foster the consistent, nightly use that’s so important to long-term treatment and efficacy.

Chantel Yang DDS


Above: an example of a modern oral sleep appliance